Donate to the Young Marines

Your gift to the Young Marines will help strengthen the lives of America's youth. It's a gift that will help our young people learn the importance of self-confidence, academic achievement, honoring the contributions of America's veterans, good citizenship, community service, and how to live a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. No matter the size of your budget, you can make a difference by providing financial support or contributions-in-kind.  Our Ein is 38-2346425.

Young Marines Logo

Young Marines CFCCFC # 11954



Strengtheningthe lives of America's youth
A national youth program for boys and girls, ages eight through high school, focused on leadership, citizenship through community service, self-discipline, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
Headquarters Young Marines
17739 Main Street, Suite 250
Dumfries, VA 22026
Phone: 800-717-0060
Fax: 202-315-3594

Combined Federal Campaign # 11954