
Capital City

Our recruit training runs 13 weeks, or 13 Monday nights. During this training, recruits will receive instruction in close order drill, uniform regulations, field skills, land navigation, drug resistance, public speaking, leadership, citizenship, and physical fitness. After recruit training, fully trained recruits will participate in a graduation ceremony welcoming them into the unit.

Phase 1 (Weeks 1-4)  DISCIPLINE

Weeks 1-4, recruits are introduced to a life of structure, engrossed in Young Marine culture, and steered away from the concept of “I” so they can begin building a TEAM. This is done through physical training (PT), close order drill (COD), and classroom instruction that will continue throughout the entire experience.


Phase 2 (Weeks 5-8) TEAMWORK

During weeks 5-8, recruits build on the information learned in the prior weeks. Discipline is expected and each recruit begins to understand that to succeed they have to start putting the team before themselves. Recruits will start to see that Together Everyone Accomplishes More and their confidence in themselves will start to really show.

Phase 3 (Week 9-13) LEADERSHIP

In the final phase of weeks 9-13, recruits hone in on their skills and confidence, and the leader inside them starts to emerge. Their team is getting strong and they should be relying on each other. This is where each recruit's strengths will shine, weaknesses are faced with courage, and parents see the difference between what once was and what now is. During the last week of training, recruits will participate in an encampment before graduation.

Recruit Encampment

This is an overnight trip where recruits will face physical and mental challenges both as individuals and as a team.


Check out the Young Marines page on the left for more information on what Young Marines do after recruit training. 

To join the Young Marines, use the unit locator at the top of the webpage. Questions? Email us at Commander@CapCityYM.com 


Strengthening the lives of America's youth
A national youth program for boys and girls, ages eight through high school, focused on leadership, citizenship through community service, self-discipline, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
Headquarters Young Marines
17739 Main Street, Suite 250
Dumfries, VA 22026
Phone: 800-717-0060
Fax: 202-315-3594

Combined Federal Campaign # 11954