Register NOW!
Thank you for your interest in joining our unit.
To become a Young Marine, all youth members must complete Recruit Training. Recruit Training is designed to teach the recruits the basics of what it means to be a Young Marine. Recruits will learn:
- Teamwork, Leadership, and Discipline
- Close Order Drill
- Military Terms and Jargon
- Marine Corps Enlisted Rank Structure
- Uniform Care and Maintenance
- Physical Fitness
- Military Customs and Courtesies
- And More!
Things you need to know before joining:
Youth members must be at least 8 years old and have not completed High School.
At least one parent/legal guardian and all youths to be registered must attend an Orientation/Registration.
You will also need the following.
- Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (for verification purposes only)
- Immunization Record
- Recent Physical Exam or School Sports Physical (less than one year old)
- Copy of Medical Insurance Card (front and back)
Poolee Registration Fees - $100.00Poolee runs from August 10, 2023 through September 7th, 2023. Final registration is September 7th, 2023.
Recruit Registration Fees - $420.00
Registration starts August 10, 2023 ends September 7th, 2023. $50 is the annual national registration for the Young Marines program. Additional cost for uniforms and equipment may vary and will be provided at Orientation/Registration.
Become an Adult Volunteer.
Registered volunteers in the Young Marines are adults age 18 and up who possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Every volunteer has been background checked and verified through character references.Please contact the unit if interested via phone to schedule a meeting with the Commander and/or Executive Officer.