

Unit: Quantico
POC: Eric Keith, Unit Commander
Phone: (910) 297-7030

Please read the following and if, for any reason you still have questions, please feel free to contact us by emailing at quantico@youngmarines.org.

What is required to become a Young Marine?

Youth members must be at least 8 years old and have not completed High School.

You will also need the following:
  • Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (for verification purposes only)
  • Imunization Record
  • Recent Physical Exam or School Sports Physical (less than one year old)
  • Copy of Medical Insurance Card (front and back
What is the cost?

$250 - This covers a new recruit's initial uniform issue, guidebooks, and first issuance of any awards that they will earn while in the program. 
$50 - Annual re-registration in September.

We DO NOT charge monthly dues.

What is involved in Recruit Training?

To become a Young Marine, all youth members must complete Recruit Training. Recruit Training is designed to teach the recruits the basics of what it means to be a Young Marine. Recruits will learn:
  • Teamwork, Leadership, and Discipline
  • Close Order Drill
  • Military Terms and Jargon
  • Marine Corps Enlisted Rank Structure
  • Uniform Care and Maintenance
  • Physical Fitness
  • Military Customs and Courtesies
  • And More!
How often do we meet?
Quantico Young Marines meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 0800-1200.
Recruit training will also consist of some virtual trainings in the evening during the week. A specific schedule for youe recruit class will be emailed to you after completing the application.

Where can I get more information on the Young Marines?

General information on the Young Marines Organization can be found at https://youngmarines.org/. Please take the time to read over all the information on the Headquarters site with paying special attention to https://youngmarines.com/public/page/WhatWeDo.

Another good resource to look at is the Quantico Young Marines Facebook page.  This will give you a good idea as to what the unit itself is involved in.  Every unit is different, so if you are checking out others, make sure you ask yourself when evaluating other units - Looking at the unit's activities and activity level, is this something my child can participate and be a contributing member of?  How much time am I willing to up into a unit such as this? What can my child offer to this unit?

Remember, it isn't you who is joining - unless you are an adult interested in volunteering.  It is your child, if accepted, who would be obligated to an organization such as this.  It is important that you sit down with your child, go over all this information and discuss with him/her whether this is the right program given his/her current schedule.  This program is year-round; we expect our Young Marines to remain in the program for a prolonged period of time. Retirement within the program is not achieved until 5 years of service, just to give you an idea of the obligation.?

I want to join! What's Next?

Currently we are accepting inquiries from those that are serious enough about taking the next step.
  • Complete the online application
    Approx. 1 1/2 months' worth of online courses of formal class instruction (twice a week for 2 hours) on the Young Marines.
  • 2-3 4 hour in persion Training Meetings will be held throughout the following months - Saturdays.
  • An overnight 2-day Encampment will be held for Recruits.  Parents are to attend a short session after the encampment upon pickup.
  • Graduation

*** All of the above events & meetings are REQUIRED AND MANDATED. If any one of these are not completed, the recruitment process will end for your child and your child will have to restart the next recruitment.  There are absolutely no refunds on recruitment payments at any time. ***

I understand what is expected! How do I start the process?
  1. Go to youngmarines.org and select 'Unit Locator' at the top right. Search by zip code and click on the join page.
    Fill out the required information and click submit
  2. Go to youngmarines.org and select 'Unit Locator' at the top right. Search by zip code and click on the join page.
Part of the application requires your child to go to the doctor to get a school physical done have our physical examination paperwork be filled out.  We suggest making that appointment ASAP.  That needs to be done in order to have a COMPLETE application. An application needs to be fully completed and submitted in order for your chils to be registered

I want to help!  How to I get involved as an adult?
Adult Volunteers in the Young Marines are adults age 18 and up who possess a high school diploma or equivalent. Every volunteer has been background checked and verified through character references. You may follow the same process as outlined above to submit an interest form to become an Adult Volunteer.

  • Do you wish to Join or Volunteer at our Unit?
  • Click the Join/Volunteer button below to begin the application process
  • Do you wish to contact our unit with a question or comment unrelated to Joining or Volunteering?
  • Click the Contact Unit button below to fill out a contact unit form
Strengtheningthe lives of America's youth
A national youth program for boys and girls, ages eight through high school, focused on leadership, citizenship through community service, self-discipline, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
Headquarters Young Marines
17739 Main Street, Suite 250
Dumfries, VA 22026
Phone: 800-717-0060
Fax: 202-315-3594

Combined Federal Campaign # 11954