
Tri State


Unit Information

 Drill Days:



 6-8:00pm - Regular Hours

Summer Hours (Dates Vary)


American Legion Post# 557
1212 Bantam Ridge Rd
Wintersville, OH 43953 

(park in rear of building and enter through rear door)

Mailing Address: 

 Tri-State Young Marines

 PO Box 2502
Weirton WV 26062-1702




Welcome to the homepage for the Tri State Young Marines 


Who we are:

We are the Tri-State Young Marines, located in WEIRTON, WV.

We are part of  the Nation's premiere youth education and service program for boys and girls, ages 8 through 18 or completion of high school. We promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.  We instill the values of Discipline, Teamwork, and Leadership to youth participating in our program.  Our program promotes the principles of honesty, fairness, courage, respect, loyalty, dependability, attention to duty, and fidelity to the United States and its institutions. Our program is designed to stimulate an interest in and respect for academic achievement, the history as well as the traditions of the United States and the US Marine Corps. It is our goal to promote a healthy lifestyle by conducting physical activities, including athletic events and close order drill, as well as advocating continual drug prevention including avoiding gateway drugs. The Young Marines is the official youth program of the U.S. Marine Corps and the focal point for the Marine Corps’ Youth Drug Demand Reduction efforts. The Tri-State Young Marines is a challenging, exciting and motivating program that requires commitment to excel. Our goal is to set a positive example to instruct and inspire our members to become the best citizens they can be.


Who we are NOT 

The Young Marines is not a “scared straight” program for troubled youth. Our volunteers, are mostly parents; many with backgrounds in military and or law enforcement.  We are not social workers or psychologists specially trained to “fix” behavior problems. 

We are not a recruitment tool for any branch of the Armed forces, combat skills are not taught. A Young Marine is just as likely to go to college as join the military when he or she turns 18. It is also important to note participation in the Young Marines program does not guarantee acceptance into the Armed Forces.


What we do 

Upon completion of 26 hrs of recruit training conducted over regular drill nights, affectionately called "bootcamp", participants earn the title Young Marine and the honor of wearing a Young Marine Uniform.  Graduated Young Marines take part in numerous activities in our area.  These activites include veteran community service projects, parades, overnight encampments,  team-building activities, and field trips to visit historical sites of interest.


It all begins when you contact us to request more information
about our next recruit class.  See our Frequently Asked Questions section under NEWS, UNIT ANNOUNCEMENTS.
Won’t you consider making these opportunities available to your son or daughter?




Strengtheningthe lives of America's youth
A national youth program for boys and girls, ages eight through high school, focused on leadership, citizenship through community service, self-discipline, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
Headquarters Young Marines
17739 Main Street, Suite 250
Dumfries, VA 22026
Phone: 800-717-0060
Fax: 202-315-3594

Combined Federal Campaign # 11954